Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Busy Busy

Hello Friends! I hope you all are having a wonderful week. It's been a bit crazy here for me and Logan.

Friday was Logan's last day of fourth grade, and with that, she said "goodbye" to her elementary school, and will be saying "hello" to her junior high school. She says she's a bit nervous, but I know she'll do just fine.

As for me, I took a CPR training class, which was offered by the daycare in which I work. I think it's a great thing. Even though I won't be at the daycare forever, I will be able to carry those skills with me throughout life. I think everyone should learn CPR.

My wonderful parents left for their cruise to Bermuda on Saturday. I miss them like crazy, but I hope they are having a BLAST and are being good. They come home Thursday and I can't wait to see them. I guess that's why I never went away to college, because I miss my mommy so much.

I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week! Keep cool!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Episode 4 - Sisters Scrapbook Page

Sisters! Brothers! We've all got them, and for those of you who are an only child, you've still got a friend that you think of like a brother or sister. My point is, we've all got someone in our life who we love to death, but is still there to drive us crazy! In my case, it would be my little sister, Logan. She is my only sibling and we are 10 years apart. But even with the huge age gap, we fight like cats and dogs.

But I love her more than anyone in the whole world and I would do anything for her. She's my baby sister, after all, and it kind of comes with the territory.

So one day I was shopping at Joann's and I found some scrapbook frames that were on sale for dirt cheap. So I picked 2 of them up and surprised Logan by making her a scrapbook page perfect for her frame. She loved it so much and we ended up hanging it over her bed. Well, I loved it just as much and had to make one for myself. And thus came this video. I have mine leaning on a shelf above my desk and I love it! We both have the exact same page with the same paper and pictures and I just love how it came out. Hope you do too!

Please make sure to comment and subscribe! Thank you and have a great week!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a Week

Hello Friends!!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. I haven't done much blogging this week and I'm sorry for that. My favorite baby over at the daycare center I work for moved away. His last was yesterday, which was Friday. I had only received the news that he was leaving on Thursday. I was devastated with the horrible news.

My first day of work was June 2008, when I was 18 and had just graduated from high school. I figured that this was just going to be a summer job to pass the time, but I fell in LOVE with the children (I work in the nursery [ages 6 weeks to walking, usually about 1 1/2]), especially a little boy, whose name I will keep secret for his safety, but we will call him Steve for now.

I favored him and I may say that I even spoiled him a bit, but all children deserve to be spoiled a little bit. He was my baby and I called him my little boyfriend. As he got older and moved out of my room, I would go visit him in his new classrooms and he would always run to me and eventually would come back to the nursery to spend the rest of the day with me. He just turned 2 in April and I made him a cute birthday card, which I didn't take a picture of, unfortunately.

The hours I work aren't so great considering that I'm a college student and can only work a certain number of hours and the pay isn't what I would like to be making, but let's face it, not many people are making what they wish they could. But I loved, and still do, my job. But I always said the reason I have been there for as long as I have was for Steve. I told myself that once he left or if he stayed long enough to graduate from the Pre-K, I would leave too.

But now that's he's gone, I'm not sure what to do. I can't decide whether to leave and find what I'm sure could be a better paying and a better opportunistic job, or stay on. I may have been extremely attached to "Steve", but there are 12 children in the nursery that I have also grown attached to. Not to mention the other 60 children in the entire daycare. I suppose I will be given a sign to point me in the right direction sooner or later.

I'm just truly going to miss my little boyfriend and I wish/hope that he has a wonderful life and I'm sure he will grow into a handsome young man and will live a fullfilly life.

On a happier note, today is another one of the babies' birthday. He is turning one and I'm so excited for him and his family. He has an older brother, who is 2, and I have watched them grow and I can't believe how time flies. I made him a birthday card and video taped it. Once I edit it, I'll make sure to post it. But until then, keep your eyes peeled for some more videos. I've got about 2 that are ready to be uploaded, so I'll probably do that sometime this week.

Hope you all have a terrific weekend. And please, find the time to pray for my little boyfriend and wish him a happy life. He will be missed greatly, but I'll always love him and remember the times I did share with him.

Have a great day!